Comcast Open Source
Comcast is committed to open source software. We use it to build products, attract talent, and evolve the technology we use to improve the customer experience.

Open Source Grants
The Comcast Innovation Fund provides grants for both open source and educational research. The Open Source Development Grants fund development of open source software in areas benefiting cable, internet and broadband industries.

Careers at Comcast
At Comcast, we are always looking for new talent to join our diverse and growing teams. [What tech could I work on at Comcast?: Machine Learning for proactive customer support! VR in X1 consoles! Assistive Technologies on Xfinity! Internal education opportunies: Labweek, Knowledgefest, and Comcast University]
Create the future with us at jobs.comcast.com
Comcast is committed to open source software. We use it to build products, attract talent, and evolve the technology we use to improve the customer experience.
Beyond using open-source technologies to build our products, we contribute actively to a wide range of open-source and open-standards groups including the Linux Foundation, OpenStack Foundation, Apache Foundation, Cloud Foundry Foundation and Internet Engineering Task Force, to name just a few. We also encourage and support our software engineers in open-sourcing the projects they develop at Comcast. We know the collective development ethos behind robust open source projects makes our products better and more powerful and we’re committed to being part of the global open source community now and into the future.
GitHub Repo
3 months ago
last updated
users involved
Aug 23 2017
initial launch
Apache License 2.0
css, html, open-source, opensource, oss, js, open, portal, source, software, floss, comcast, ospo, nextjs
Featured Projects
Traffic Control
Traffic Control is an Open Source implementation of a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Originally developed by Comcast, it was released as a Comcast Open Source software in April 2015. In late 2016, Comcast was honored to have Traffic Control accepted by the Apache Software Foundation and renamed to Apache Traffic Control. It is now a Top-Level Project with the Apache Software Foundation.
Find out more at the Traffic Control code repository
Bynar is an open source system for automating server maintenance across the datacenter. Bynar builds upon many years of experience automating the drudgery of server repair. The goal is to have the datacenter maintain itself.
Find out more at the Bynar code repository
Capsule is a framework for network function development. Written in Rust, inspired by NetBricks and built on Intel's Data Plane Development Kit.
Find out more at the Capsule code repository
SpeedtestJS is a JavaScript based speed test providing users with an enriched view of their Internet speed. We developed and open sourced SpeedTestJS to create a benchmark solution that would be transparent, independent and used and contributed by many.
Find out more at the SpeedtestJS code repository
RDK on Raspberry Pi
Documentation for running RDK profiles ( Video, broadband, Camera ) on Raspberrypi boards.
Find out more at the RDK on Raspberry Pi code repository
A dashboard accelerator for Prometheus. Trickster is a reverse proxy cache for the Prometheus HTTP APIv1 that dramatically accelerates dashboard rendering times for any series queried from Prometheus.
Find out more at the Trickster code repository
Easy synthetic testing for Kubernetes clusters. Supplements other solutions like Prometheus nicely. Kuberhealthy performs synthetic tests from within Kubernetes clusters in order to catch issues that would otherwise go unnoticed.
Find out more at the Kuberhealthy code repository
Vinyl DNS
Making DNS self-service safe, secure, and convenient. VinylDNS is a vendor-agnostic frontend for enabling self-service and enhancing administration across all of your DNS servers.
Find out more at the Vinyl DNS code repository
Browse through the Comcast Open Source Projects
Featured People
Our people who speak on the subject of Open Source and Open Source technologies. Experts, mentors, and community leaders. Come see their latest talks in our quarterly virtual conference digest.
Community Involvement
Catch up with us — at events, online, and on social media — to ask us about what we’re doing to support the Open Source community. Or, get involved on one of our Open Source projects.
Check out our contributions to the Open Source community
Comcast is proud to support a variety of organizations in the Open Source community.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Open Source events and events where we’ll be discussing Open Source technologies, standards, and the philosophy of Open Source.
In the News
SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: xGitGuard
March 25, 2022
Comcast Is Open Sourcing Its xGitGuard Security Software
March 24, 2022